Our Vision

Humanity Growth & Development Agency (HGDA) envisions communities that are enlightened, peaceful, healthy, self-reliant and responsible for their own development agenda through access to equal resources and opportunities with emphasis on education and inter community harmony.

Our Missions

To apply and promote human rights based approach to community development and self–reliance through educational enrichment, economic vitality, social and cultural aware programs and the promotion of civic and political rights.

Our Strategic Goals

  • Achieve organizational excellence through operational efficacy, transparency, accountability,
    high-performance, effective communication, short-term and long-term financial stability.
  • To develop and maintain advocacy platforms to advance the goals and vision of HGDA.

Our Focus programs

  •  Education
  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Peace Building and Conflict Management
  • Health and Nutrition
  • Democracy and Human Rights
  • Microfinance/Entrepreneurship Skills Building

Brief History of HGDA

Humanity Growth and Development Agency (HGDA) was established as a grassroots self-help group in 2013 by a multi-gender group of like-minded individuals that hailed from Mandera county and other parts of the country to serve alongside the poor, underserved and oppressed – focusing on those that are most vulnerable in society and also to complement and strengthen the efforts the government and other stakeholders were making to address developmental challenges in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) regions of the country.

The focus of HGDA was to provide protection and support to orphans and vulnerable persons in
Mandera East District. However, over time HGDA encountered multi-pronged challenges such as inter-clan clashes, effect of climate changes and poverty related issues. Because of these emerging issues,HGDA was upgraded to NGO status to accommodate and fulfill the expanded mandate and employ an integrated approach to mitigate these challenges.

HGDA has since grown its services and scope as a national relief, development and advocacy NGO
focusing on work in the following thematic areas: Education, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH),Peace Building and Conflict Management, Health and Nutrition, Democracy and Human Rights, and Microfinance/Entrepreneurship Skills building with current presence in the larger Sub-Counties of Lafey and Mandera East and a fully functional field office in Mandera Town as well as a resource mobilization and coordination office in Nairobi. We incorporate appropriate themes in our development interventions including; Partnership, Gender, Environment, Natural Resources Management, Climate and HIV.


HGDA is managed by a diverse Board of Directors while day to day activities are run by professional staff with deep experience in national development and project management employing innovative ideas on better ways to help more pastoralists.
An Oversight Committee is in place to check effective implementation of projects.

For maximization of impact and reach, HGDA works with volunteers from the communities targeted and embraces collaboration and networking with other key actors.

HGDA staff are as passionate about transparency in its work as it is about helping pastoralists who are poor, underserved and marginalized build their own solutions and take ownership of their future.

Networking & Collaboration

HGDA partners with like-minded organizations especially through the Public Private Partnership (PPP) who share values and vision that promote sustainable development, emergency response and inclusive development for the marginalized and underserved populations in Lafey and Mandera East Sub-Counties. This is achieved by holding extensive consultations with the community, County Government and key partners whenever a project is about to be designed and during the entire implementation phase. To maximize reach and impact, HGDA aligns its work to respond to and comply with government developmental instruments (such as Vision 2030), community focus, regional vision as well as global development targets (such as MDGs).

HGDA Organizational Structure